Important notice for motorists traveling to the territory of Russia and Belarus

Change of territorial validity
of your MTPL

As of June 1, 2023, green cards issued by Slovak insurance companies will no longer be valid on the territory of Russia and Belarus.

Damages caused by vehicles registered in the Slovak Republic on the territory of Russia and Belarus after June 1, 2023 will no longer be covered by MTPL concluded in Slovakia.

Motorists with a Slovak registration entering the territory of these countries are obliged to secure the so-called border insurance. This covers damage caused by the operation of a motor vehicle in the relevant territory.

Slovenská kancelária poisťovateľov je právnický subjekt zriadený zákonom Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky č. 381/2001 Z.z. o povinnom zmluvnom poistení zodpovednosti za škodu spôsobenú prevádzkou motorového vozidla a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov.
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