Frontier Insurance

Frontier Insurance is liability insurance invoked in case of damages caused by the operation of a foreign motor vehicle on the territory of the Slovak Republic and other Member States of Economic European Area (EEA). Frontier Insurance is provided for in Act 381/2001 Coll. on the MTPL insurance and on changes in, and amendments to, some laws (hereinafter the Act), Regulation 413/2001 Coll. that implemented the Act, applicable provisions of Civil Codex and the General Insurance Terms for the MTPL insurance in the territory of the Slovak Republic and other Member States of EEA.

Validity of insurance

The insurance becomes valid after payment of the insurance premium. Proof of an insurance is a Green Card.


Amount of insurance premium

Premium rates can be used for individual types of motor vehicles and depend on the length of the insurance.




IT'S SIMPLE: go to the next page and enter your car's number plate in the field. Find out immediately if he has a valid MTPL (Motor Third Party Liability Insurance)
Verify MTPL
The Slovenská kancelária poisťovateľov has been established by virtue of the Act No. 381/2001 on Compulsory MTPL Insurance and on changes in, and amendments to, some laws.


Slovenská kancelária poisťovateľov
Bajkalská 19B
826 58 Bratislava 29
Slovak Republic

IČO: 36062235
DIČ: 2021634087

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Web by Kolovratok.
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